
Monday, February 8, 2016


Here in Tennessee we are currently experiencing an epidemic of psychological confusion...
The stinking weather. 

You see, one day I am bundled from from scarf to sock, braving the cold parking lot journeys (of which I am convinced double in length in pesky weather)...only to shed the layers as I leave for lunch, with windows down and sun on my face! Oh, the teases of spring! A heart can only take so much! Am I right, people? 

As simple as the shifting of the weather, doesn't it seem hard to continually prepare for what might be next without knowing? 

Scarves and socks prove minuscule when we face bank accounts and retirement plans, the losses of loved ones, and beginnings of jobs. Each moment is continually birthing a new one completely unique to itself, coming and going as quickly as its predecessor. As soon as we become comfortable with our the current state, we are aware we must constantly preparing for the next bullet point on our agenda.

So what about The Lord? Through my life the two consistencies I can recall are The Lord and change. In Hebrews 11, the "hall of faith", as my Michelle likes to call it, Moses' story is presented as an example for his ability to face change head on. From the home of humble jews, to the elite of the Egyptians, there could not be a more drastic story of change in his life. So what did he do? What do we do? 

"he persevered because he saw him who is invisible." -Hebrews 11:27

As we attempt our adaptations we can look at Moses' life and see how to approach whatever change is happening in our life: big or small, positive or negative, thrilling or terrifying (some of which are ahead of me, too!)

We can and must look to The Ever-Constant, The Solid Ground, The Never Changing, but always with us in ours.

Jesus is face of consistency. He began our stories, and numbered our days. He established the earth, yet He founded our footsteps. 

If we seek the Author, our adaptations will be still be necessary, but they will not consume us. 
Because really, the most important change is happening within us, as we trust and know our Savior more.


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