You see, he had this unique position as cupbearer. Not only was Nehemiah trusted in his place of work... but trusted with someone's life...THE KING'S LIFE! This is telling about Neh's (nickname...your welcome) character. Tasting the king's wine for poison might not seem like the major we would choose in college these days, but it was a place of humble honor. Especially for someone that was a foreigner in Persia!
In his job I feel it's fair to say Neh must have been: consistent, honest, reliable, trustworthy, humble.
You see God was about to act BIG TIME. God had brought Neh into a position for what was about to happen. Though the platform had been graciously given by God, if Neh did not do his part to be reputable and honorable to his earthly masters he might have missed out on an opportunity to serve God and his nation.
In the New Testament it is put like this:
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." - Luke 16:10
So I wanted to talk about work because we actually catch back up with him in the palace in chapter two. Neh is going throughout his to day to duties before the king when his boss takes notice of his sad demeanor. "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of the heart."- Neh. 2:2
Gulp. Cat's out of the bag... with a reputation of honesty, Neh knew he must be honest before his employer... aka THE KING (can't drive that point in enough!). Our buddy even tells us he was "very much afraid" in his response to the king. But in the face of fear, he speaks of what burdens him.
Very much to his surprise, the king implores "What is it you want?" -Neh. 2:4
The very next words on this bible page read... "Then I prayed to the God in heaven.."
Beautiful!!! In a moment's breath of the heart, Neh laid this before the Lord. I love it! Though we don't know the prayer he prayed, we see relationship Neh had built with God allowed him such communion! (Secret: We can have that, too darlings <3)! Neh could have jumped to conclusions. He could have spat off the first thing that impulse brought to his thoughts (which I fear I do far too often). But He prayed to the Lord, who knows the outcome of every situation and authored the encounter himself.
This section continues with Neh asking for time away (using va-cay days to work!), protection and transportation needs.
"And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests." Neh 4:8.
Not only were his requests met, but the king supplied more.
More than what he needed. God outdoes himself when He sees obedience in our hearts, friends.
Though the king was the vessel of God's provision, do not be mistaken. God made this happen. God, who heard the prayers of a broke heart in the scene before. God, who had made a way before Neh ever knew the situation was approaching. God softened the heart of yet another king in history on behalf of the people that He loved, the people that were His.
If you belong to Jesus, he is ALWAYS working on your behalf for your good and His glory. <3
He hears your prayers, and makes a way that we might have never imaged.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." - Isaiah 55:8
They are better. They are higher. They are trustworthy.
Happy Monday, loves <3
Love this Phoebe