
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

When Getting is Good

Hello Sisters :) I want to start out by saying thank you for taking a moment to open up this blog and see what you might find. Any blog I choose to click on is like an unopened present, and each time I click I hope to find some new insight, a laugh, or best, when they are combined. I hope that you find that when your mouse moves to my link!

Speaking of presents.... (lame segue!)
Isn't the Christmas season soon to dawn upon us? In my home is already has! Oh, how the gift buying, treat making, music playing put a twinkle in my eye, and increase the happy in my heart. This year in particular I feel like I have truly mastered the best ideas for my family members: simple and sweet gifts personalized just for them. Buying for others is so fun because you get to know that person all over again. Follow me? If not, think about it. It is as if you are solving a problem. What does my human of choice need, desire, or think "no-one-will-know-they-want-this-thing" want? In penciling down these thoughts (if even in your mind), you outline the evidence of many reasons you love person A or person B, or discover new ways in which you can know them better.  It is a joy.

I have gone on about gift giving to get to just that, IT IS A JOY to give sweet ones. So, why would we dare take away from that in being guilty receivers? Guilty gift receivers not only rob themselves of joy, but the ones giving. In our christian culture we appropriately, and very necessarily,  spend much of our energy thinking about giving to those in need. But in this well intended heart, we tend to feel guilt about receiving from loved ones. I do, at least! I wake up Christmas morning with a pile full of things, and find myself feeling .... excited, at first! "Look at all this awesome stuff!! Now I have this, this, and that to add to my collection of.... STUFF!" After the high of excitement settles, the guilt settles in like a fog, in which I sulk about my excitement, and my focus leaves my present setting of family and warmth, to guilt and shame. Hmmmm. Something wrong here?

I'm typing today to suggest another venue for this guilt to be transformed. No, not to greed, not to stinginess, but to open arms freely receiving what is given with a thankful and loving heart! How free are we, sisters, to give, and be given, to love, and be loved, to share, and be shared with. This is GRACE! That we are freely given from a heart of love, that we are known in our deepest needs, and in our deepest desires. That we can replicate this transaction in a little holiday we celebrate, and that we can then again, upon every thought out gift, lift our eyes to the one who is the ultimate Gift Giver. Who knew  us deeply, who saw our need, and who provided so, so much more.
This is the Gospel, and this is Christmas.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above" - James 1:17

So receive, beloveds, what has been paid at such a high price. Then receive sweaters, receive scarves, and candy, and poorly given, unthought out gifts! Because they are more than what we hold in our hands, they are what is in a heart behind them. 

"Freely you have received; freely give."- Matthew 10:8d

And go, and give! Share in the joy of knowing a person more deeply, because we are known and loved. We get to know others, and LOVE THEM! WOOO HOO CHRISTMAS!

-A little too excited,


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