As I was reading in Psalms the other day, the word “deliver” jumped off of the page to what seemed two inches from my eyeballs. An impression was made on my heart by our sweet Jesus, who reminded me that this word has more than one meaning. As my brain recollected several definitions of this word, I sought out the second best tool next to the bible... google :). This word tangled me, and left me undone all at once. God spilled some of His heart for His people through google that fine morning. I wanted to share what I feel He led me to through several of the meanings of this word.
#1. Deliver: to bring and hand over to the proper recipient or address; save, rescue, or set free from.
This first meaning is enough all on its own. This is who God is, dear sister. He is our Deliver, who made a way for us (Psalm 70:5). He created us for himself, and though we chose the world instead, He would not confine us to it. So reaching down from on high and taking hold of us, He drew us out of deep waters (Psalm 18:16). “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13). He literally transferred us to His address, our proper home, His designated design. He sent his Son to bridge our gap and rescue us. His blood for our guilt. His comfort aside, our souls revived, brought to life. From dry bones, and hard, stubborn hearts to love-struck and rescued. Out of our wreckage into his righteousness. All of Him for all of us. My Savior, Your Father, Our Deliverer. THE coolest. The HOLIEST.
#2. Deliver: provide (something promised or expected).
So He brings us into his family, and He does not disappoint. He fulfills everyone of His good promises, and they are indeed GOOD, PERFECT, & TRUSTWORTHY. He brings forth what is sent out from His mouth, and it does not return void, “but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). He DELIVERS us free, and DELIVERS what He says He will. He shows up... Faithful every time, in His time. This hope is our anchor.
#3. Deliver: assist in the birth of.
And once He saves us from sin, and ourselves, and helplessness... once He comes through, He shows up & shows out, protecting and providing...He invites us to join Him! He instructs and informs, orchestrating our involvement in this Kingdom building. This life-saving, wretch-rescuing wonder-filled adventure of rebirth. We assist in shackle shaking, and surrender ourselves as vessels to His soul searching, and we are tools. We are more than tools, we are active ingredients! He sets our stories beside others who need His light, who need His life, who long for more, who want to be restored...He holds our right hand, and shows us what it’s like to be sold out and all in to this thing. We see new life emerge, and His beauty falls afresh on our hearts, and we receive life in bringing others to THE Life.
So we follow... we will follow, Jesus. We will bend down, knees touching ground to wash dirty feet, and we will race after the raped, dirty, guilty & broken down. We will follow you, Jesus. We will assist in the birth of this delivery of life... out of captivity and into freedom. Out of the darkness, and into the light where we belong with you. We will expectantly await You to Deliver on your Promises, because you Delivered us Jesus in our helpless state, and He Delivered us! You Delivered Me! You have Delivered souls before my eyes, and you will Deliver the world ultimately and forever. We won’t miss this! Send us! Send us.